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The Inspirational Push

Why a memoir? I'm not famous, nor am I a superstar athlete or even a trendy influencer. So who am I to write a book about life? Well, I am just an average person trying to get by in this life and working to make the world a better place.

I have had experiences and challenges you might relate to, and maybe seeing you are not alone in your struggles and challenges can help you feel supported on your journey to find a better path.

I want to help empower people with this book and hope to spread the massage that we are each amazing in our own right. We are all born with the tools we need for success, we may perhaps lack the best way to use these tools, or have never been taught at all. My hope for my book is that it helps to inspire people to begin to learn to use their tools and create their own success and achieve their dreams.

But even more, I hope that I can inspire others, once they have mastered how to use their own tools, to go out into the community and teach others.

This is really the whole purpose of this website and this book. Let's grow together!

I have been working in the regenerative and sustainable agriculture space for most of my life and now I want to turn the lessons I have learned in my studies inward. I want to help regenerate the human spirit, and help people to create more sustainable lives. This is going to look different for each one of us, but we can each join together to support our collective journey.

Leave a comment of how you have overcome a challenge in your life.


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